Saturday, April 16, 2011

How to eat

Need to follow the diet. The diet should be minerals, vitamins E and C (vitamin E found in vegetable oils and eggs, and vitamin C in fish and sea kale). Vitamin E affects the blood supply to the skin, vitamin C strengthens the fibers in the connective tissues. In addition, you should include in the diet of vegetables, herbs and bread and bran. 
Proper nutrition will provide your body with necessary substances. Proper nutrition - it is a good physical shape. This absence of disease and weight management. To do this, throw out their lives harmful products and replace them with natural, while respecting the right proportions.
Give up coffee, alcohol, tea, silnosolenyh products, from products containing preservatives, dyes, etc., your diet should consist of 3 / 5 of carbohydrates per 1 / 5 of the proteins and 1 / 5 of the fat.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Diets for hypertension

These diets are appointed for hypertension. However, the diet of these diets is incomplete in its chemical composition, so they prescribe from time to time for 3-5 days.
It is used for hypertension, cardiovascular and renal disease. Meals consist of rice porridge, cooked in water and without salt (it eat 2 times a day) and 6 cups of compote, who drink during the day.
Calculation of food for the day: 50 grams of rice, 100 grams of sugar, 1.5 kg of fresh (or 240 grams of dried) fruit. Liquid to 1.5 liters. Caloric value - 1220 kcal.
Diet can dramatically limit your intake of protein and salts of sodium . Since it is defective in its chemical composition, it is assigned is not a long time - for 3-4 days.
Cottage Cheese - milk diet 
Appointed in hypertension and circulatory failure, has a diuretic effect.
Diet diet consists of 400 grams of cottage cheese and 4 cups of milk and eaten for 5-6 receptions (milk is drunk warm). Diet is also defective in its chemical composition, prescribe from time to time for 3-5 days. Can be used for those who want to lose excess weight .

Friday, April 8, 2011

Short term weight loss diet

Collect for you all the available short-term diet, offering food in a specific pattern. Only here you will find over 300 fast diets for every taste and wallet! Do not get lost in their diversity, and remember - stick to such diets should not be too long. They come in cases where after the holidays, you scored a few extra pounds. Restricted diet express diet does not allow a full balanced meal. 
Among the diets are presented and possible fasting days, and mono-diet or a diet close to them. Feature of the mono-diet is that they are based on one product or product group (eg, vegetables). Most often, this is a very strict diet, which can not abide more than a few days. Among the most popular days of unloading can be distinguished Kefir, apple, watermelon and the buckwheat. All strict diet designed for healthy people. Those who have observed any chronic illness, before applying them to consult a doctor.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Benefits of Idel Diet

1. The diet was developed in accordance with the recommendations of the diet (treatment table) 8a, developed at the Institute of Nutrition for people with excess weight.
2. We opted, above all, delicious recipes to lose weight can be free from hunger and falls. Better, slowly but surely! Menu each day, includes not only the hot main meal, but soup, salad, dessert. At the same recipes are simple and do not require you to special culinary talents.
3. You can independently set meal times, but between them must be a period of not less than 2-3 hours. The last main meal 3-4 hours before bedtime. Snack on request - an hour before bedtime.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The ideal diet - Perfect Diet

The desire to reduce weight while maintaining health, progress and good humor. Every day we come to questions, which essentially is the same - to find out what should be the ideal diet for weight loss.
So, in terms of nutrition ideal diet should:
1. be balanced. Dieting for weight loss should include: vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats and dairy products, vegetable oils in small quantities. In this case, nutrition must be part and a fraction, 4-6 times a day (3 main meals and 1-3 snacks).
2. Consist only of natural products.
3. Be varied and tasty. Otherwise difficult to avoid disruptions - Statistics in 86% of short-term diet end premature breakdown or otedaniem "missed calories after the diet.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Weight Loss - 5 kg for 3 days of extreme diets

This diet is suitable, if the holidays have left a memory of himself in a few extra pounds. Grow thin and do not overeat! 
Let's start. At breakfast, if you can call it that, divorce tablespoon of honey 150 ml water and add 5-7 drops of lemon juice. Minutes, 10-15 minutes to drink a cup of tea or coffee.
For dinner, treat yourself cooked turkey and any vegetables (500 grams).
Dinner will be runny. Boil 150-200 grams of white cabbage in 150 ml of water without salt for 15-20 minutes. Ready to drink a decoction for 30-40 minutes. Hungry? Endure. A decoction of cabbage, as well as her juice, used in the treatment of obesity. However, the calories in this "dinner" there is little, so you need to hard.
If you really want, before going to bed you can drink a glass of nonfat yogurt.
This diet is not recommended to apply for longer than 3 days. If necessary, after 2 days can be repeated.

How to lose weight permanently?

Lose weight at some time through diet is possible, but maintain a reduced weight for years - a task almost impossible. Experience shows that a year or two people back to their former weight and often gain even more than him. As the saying goes, those extra pounds not only the return, but also friends with a lead. Nevertheless, the real opportunity to lose weight permanently there. How to achieve the same result? 
This is the only one currently in existence way to solve the problem of excess weight once and for all - on obesity surgery or barbaric surgery. Most people will certainly have heard that in the world, such operations are done. Many saw the television broadcasts, for example, via MTV, where very often talk about operations for weight reduction and the obtained results.
Nevertheless, many people are overweight, who have heard and know about the surgical treatment of obesity, never thought it could for them to have a direct relationship. This thought never occurred to him in the head.

Lose weight without dieting

The most effective way to lose weight, but do not ignore the other equally important means of reducing weight. Numerous studies confirm that short-term diet, while effective, allows virtually no hope for the conservation of weight loss. Without sports and other activities to keep harmony is impossible! 
Dreaming of a carved figure and slim waist, many forget that diet and weight loss entail some unpleasant consequences. Skin droops, it becomes flabby, stretched. Various hardware techniques will help with the correction , getting rid of cellulite and other skin problems. Anti-cellulite creams and creams for weight loss will have a further impact, and hot and cold packs are a recognized way of correction.
Anti-cellulite underwear (anti-cellulite shorts, pants, belt-sauna) helps increase metabolism, accelerating fat burning "pending in reserve, in conjunction with sports and physical activity accelerates weight loss. It is indispensable in the initial stages of cellulite.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A biological mechanism for weight gain

Lose weight, you should at least in general terms to provide a biological mechanism for weight gain. In this sense, the main hormone for you - insulin. Postprandial blood dangerously and thickens. The pancreas secretes insulin, and it "cleans" the blood of sugar. Part of the excess insulin "import" into the muscle cells, and the rest turns into fat. If you do not exercise, you need to muscle in "sweet" fuels is minimal. This means that almost all the excess blood sugar will be converted into fat and postponed under the skin. It's important to remember the following. The more you eat, the more insulin will stand out. Well, the more insulin spike, the fatter postponed. Overeating occurs when a person eats seldom, after 4 - 5 hours. This implies an important conclusion: to reduce the secretion of insulin to eat little and often. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Nutrition has changed beyond recognition your figure!

The bitter truth is that our way of life that we simply must be thick. We move too little are the results in the form of fat folds. It would seem to lose weight easily. Stopped eating, and all the works! Well, where is to take energy for workouts? Deficiency of dietary calories automatically mean lack of energy, and hence a low, almost zero, the effectiveness of the training. 
No, fitness requires an entirely different: "recovery" of everyday food. No starvation! All you need is to make in your diet are small, but fundamental changes. A couple with training, they fundamentally alter your body.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Strategies to combat obesity

The head thing is that everything we eat, either because it's time to eat, or submitting an intuitive push. And in fact, and in another case, eating occurs unconsciously. We offer a fork to his mouth while chatting with a friend, or unfold candy, thinking about something else, an outsider. What's so surprising overeating? The secret of success of women who managed to lose weight, is this: they have mastered what is called "conscious eating". That's the main rule: Listen first, then eat. The idea is to focus entirely on the taste of food, its smell and even color, and listen to your stomach. Try it and you are surprised to feel how the stomach to talk to you, giving you only audible signals: here I would probably eat another slice, but this I do not want ... to communicate with his stomach, as a living companion. Got candy? Directly and ask: if you want? And listen to the answer. Practice this way for weeks, and you fundamentally change your character of his power. It turns out that most of the "bite" your stomach does not need, well at the table you will eat at least a third less.