We all know about the necessity of regular exercise, but in practice too often on the first set quite different tasks. However, physical activity - one of the conditions for successful weight reduction and consolidation of results achieved. It is not necessary to exhaust themselves, find the kind of lessons that you will be pleasant and not get bored any time soon. Dancing, jogging, training on the simulator to the music - choose what is to their liking. If free time is not too much, align business with helpful: walk with your child, be engaged in housekeeping, shopping. Importantly, fewer to sit on. To lose weight, specific power load is not required. On the contrary, physical activity should be moderate, but regular. Better than 5 times a week for half an hour than occasionally, but the whole day. If, however, absolutely no free time, take a few times a day for 10-15 minutes. Select the appropriate set of exercises or simply dance to the music.
However, physical activity - is not just a sport and walks. Energy is expended on those movements, which we often do not think. For example, the gestures. The more a person gesturing, the more active he is waving his hands and frequently change positions, the more energy it spends. That is why the choleric, people active and restless, usually thinner than the lazy and imposing phlegmatic. Those who are sedentary and are constantly busy, we recommend remembering about a hidden gym: straining different muscles, you can spend calories imperceptibly.
Physical exercise - a great way to prevent the growth of adipose tissue and reduce muscle that is very important, but not enough for serious weight loss. Therefore, trying to lose weight, do not forget about calorie restriction and diet.
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