Thursday, May 29, 2014

Diet for cholelithiasis

In the presence of gallstone disease diet, primarily aimed at reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the body through nutrition. After the stones are formed from excess cholesterol is, and they delivered the mass of pain and anxiety. In addition, diet for gallstone disease involves a special diet. Staple food in the presence of gallstone disease is to consume the right fats.
Principles of diet in cholelithiasis

One of the principles of diet in cholelithiasis is the saturation of dietary fats correct, because the work is significantly stimulated gallbladder any fats, but unsaturated fats prevent stone formation, because they regulated the amount of cholesterol. Diet for cholelithiasis should include olive oil, avocados, some species of fish, nuts.

Eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains rich in fiber.
Doctors found that a moderate use of wine in the diet in case of gallstone disease, reduced cholesterol and significantly reduced the risk of gallstones. For daily norm accepted no more than 1-2 glasses of wine.
Exclude primarily products that are saturated with trans fats, fried foods, semi-finished products. Food rich in saturated fats and trans fats are provoked attacks of biliary colic, as well as the formation of stones. In addition, dieting cholelithiasis excludes any hunger strike as one of the commonest causes of gallstones is a rapid weight loss. This is due to the fact that the reduction of food that enters the body, radically changing the ratio of bile salts and cholesterol.
The presence in the diet maximum amount of clean, fresh, organic ingredients and the minimum amount of processed foods in which there are chemical additives, harmful saturated fats.
Diet in cholelithiasis provides meals 3-4 times a day, with a total volume of products to be not more than 3 kg. Should avoid very cold and very hot dishes. Required in the diet should be present foods containing B vitamins, as well as vitamins A and C. The water should be used in an amount not less than 1.5 liters daily in order to reduce the concentration of bile.
Cholelithiasis should eat food that contains salts of magnesium and dietary fiber. Dietary fiber for admission into the stomach stimulates the secretion of bile, normalizes work of intestines, metabolism regulated. Besides, when they have a regular consumption of preventing obesity and diabetes.
Attack of gallstone disease can be triggered by concentrated meat, fish, mushroom broth, very greasy dishes and foods, smoked, fried products, preserves, eggs, especially the yolks. In the diet should limit foods that are rich in cholesterol. These include the brain, liver, fatty fish and meat, lard, beef and mutton tallow, butter.
In addition, during dieting in cholelithiasis 1 time per week recommended holding fasting days - watermelon, cottage cheese, apple, juice of the day, suhofruktovoy diet.

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