Thursday, May 29, 2014

Diet for problem skin

When skin problems can be tested grape, apple or citrus diet, of course, if you are not allergic to citrus. Such a diet should be followed for 3-4 days.

Depending on what kind of problems exist with the skin, may be composed its individual diet. If the skin is dry and thinning, you should eat foods that contain sulfur and vegetable protein. Proteins contain vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, grains. Sulfur-containing garlic, onions, eggs, beans, cabbage, cheese, meat, fish. Dry skin is constantly needed alpha gidrokisloty contained in grapes, apples, currants, tomatoes, brown cane sugar, beet sugar, yogurt.

When skin problems slimming acceptable compliance is not all diets. Often diet not only suitable for the body, but are harmful to him, so that on the background of the impact of such diets deteriorating skin.

Before diet experts recommend cleaning the body to attend, or at least the intestine, which is held enema. This procedure should be used only in extreme cases, as an enema with compacted feces and slag washed intestinal microflora, which is subsequently reduced with great difficulty.

Terms of supply in the diet

During dieting for problem skin needs to drink at least 8 glasses of pure water. Before you begin to receive food, you need to drink 1 glass of fresh juice from grapes, oranges, grapefruit, apples and lemons. If you decide to drink lemon juice, then it must be heavily diluted with water. These juices should also drink at lunch, and afternoon tea. In between meals is recommended to drink compote of dried fruits and herbal teas without added sugar.

Better prepare dishes made of buckwheat and wheat flour, oatmeal, barley, lamb, fish, chicken, egg yolks, turnips, green leafy vegetables, beets. In addition, the diet should include natural yogurt, rye bread, yogurt, mild white cheese, milk, yogurt, honey, unsweetened fruit.

The period of dieting for problem skin should completely abandon baking white bread, coffee, candy, soda and alcohol, and, of course, from acute, fried and smoked foods. Also recommended the rejection of tomato juice. Bad habits such as alcohol and smoking should also forget, you need to go to bed on time, because of lack of sleep due to the skin not added strength and health.

Proper nutrition for problem skin

Problem skin can be provided with all necessary materials, due to well-balanced diet. The main thing - do not be lazy, to attend the study of the principles of proper nutrition, and mandatory from the diet to eliminate harmful products, without which the body without any problems will exist.

White products are recommended to replace the dark, ie eat black bread, brown cane sugar, brown rice, etc. Body slowly digests the meal of dark products, thus lasts longer feeling of satiety, as the level of insulin in the blood does not rise.

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