Monday, February 28, 2011

Exercising for weight loss

Change their shape dream not only full of people. Even those who do not have extra pounds, sometimes looking in the mirror does not have much joy. It seems that all is not perfect as we would like, and for all slenderness no flexibility and firmer, which makes the relief of the body is really beautiful. To get a really nice shape, some little diet, we need regular exercise, which will help get rid of excess body fat, not store them in the future, to keep muscles in tone, and body to give a nice neat appearance. Can I lose weight without dieting?
Of course you can, just please do not forget to exercise, do exercises, do fitness, aerobics - all that will cause our metabolism to work at an accelerated rate, and hence will gradually remove the extra centimeters.
Before embarking on an intense strain on the muscles, they should first warm up, stretch, and start the metabolism.
To warm up, need to allocate 10-15 minutes. This time can be given dance movements to music, jumping on the spot with mahami arms and legs, running on the spot. Workout mobilizes the body, prepares it for subsequent active load, the metabolism begins to accelerate, the heart gradually gets used to the load.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Running for weight loss

Little effort he can to lose weight. But all is not as easy to run a really effective and did not cause harm, you must adhere to certain rules. These rules have long been known and tested life: the number of calories entering the body must be less than energy expenditure. But how can this be achieved? Only a combination of proper nutrition and incremental physical activity.
Balanced diet does not mean any special diets, simply follow certain principles: eliminate from the diet of easily digestible carbohydrates (sweet and rich foods) and fatty meat, limit the amount of fried foods (better stew or steamed). Every day eat five kinds of vegetables and fruits, with the amount of vegetables should not be less than 400 grams, required daily (preferably morning) to include in the diet of cooked whole grains - for energy.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Diet & Fitness Tips

As a combination of diet and fitness can help you successfully lose weight and keep the hard-acquired forms? We go on about the benefits of fitness and that fitness - an integral part of any weight loss program. Some fites can not stand. Other-love and live without it can not. However, it must be said in all fairness - an active lifestyle has many advantages. The main thing - to find such a regime and exercise program, which harmoniously fit into your schedule. In the end, in a day 1440 minutes - really hard to find all for sports?
Facts about fitness
Losing weight - metabolic process. Energy balance equation to determine the number of calories consumed food and compares it with the number of calories expended. For effective weight loss is necessary that the number of calories expended exceed calories. One way to achieve this superiority - are actively engaged in fitness, ie burn calories. Every time you lift a finger or press a key, your computer, you are wasting calories. The larger and more active you are moving, the more calories will lose.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Standards of beauty and harmony of the female body

-->Women with body type, the longitudinal dimensions prevail over the cross: limbs are long, thin bone, the neck is long, thin, relatively poorly developed muscles. Representatives of this body type usually have low weight, they are energetic, and even excessive power is not immediately lead to weight gain because they spend energy faster than accumulate.
Build differs proportionality basic body dimensions and the correct ratio. Women of this body type are more likely to have a beautiful figure.

Do representatives (boned) body transverse dimensions of the body is much larger than especially aesthetics. Their bones are thick and heavy, shoulders, chest and hips are wide, and his legs are short. Women with this body type, it is important to remember that they are inclined to corpulence.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How to keep a normal shape?

People is increasing every year. For example, in Eastern European countries from 10 to 20% of schoolchildren are overweight. According to experts of the World Health Organization, obese 1 / 5 of world population.
Obesity occurs for different reasons, but most important are the two - too much food and physical inactivity. Fat people tend to love the delicious and abundant food. In the first stages, this habit does not cause them special trouble, but eventually it leads to metabolic disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
"Estimated" - writes in his book "The Big biological clock" Professor Dilman VM, _ that the accumulation in the body 4-5 kg of fat that creates a dangerous shift in metabolism, which is already sufficient for the development of atherosclerosis. Indirect calculations indicate that such a seemingly small weight gain, if the reference point to take 20 years already, usually occurs by 30 years.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nutritional standards Calories- Energy consumption

Calories - is the amount of heat released by a person as a result of absorption of a particular product. The number of calories needed to man depends on the work performed, from physical activity, sex, age, on the latitude (cold or hot climates).
Group 1 - employees mostly mental work
 Age       Kcal
18-29     2450
30-39     2300
40-59     2100
managers of enterprises and organizations, engineering and technical workers, whose work does not require significant physical activity, medical professionals, except physicians, surgeons, nurses, nurses, teachers, tutors, other than sports, workers of science, literature, press, cultural and educational workers, workers planning and accounting, secretaries and clerks, workers of different categories, whose work is associated with considerable nervous tension (workers remotes, controllers, etc.).
Group 2 - workers engaged in light physical work:
 Age       Kcal
18-29     2800
30-39     2650
40-59     2500
engineering and technical workers, whose work is associated with some physical effort, workers employed in automated processes; workers electronics industry; clothing makers intend, agronomists, livestock specialists, veterinarians, nurses, nurse, sales of manufactured goods, service workers, employees of the watch industry, workers Communication and Telegraph, instructors and teachers of physical education and sports coaches.
Group 3 - the workers average severity of labor:
 Age       Kcal
18-29     3300
30-39     3150
40-59     2950

machine operators (employed in metal and wood), mechanics, engineers, wizards, doctors, surgeons, chemists, textile workers, shoemakers, drivers of different types of transport, food industry workers, employees of public utilities and catering, food vendors, tractor brigade and field-teams, railroad, water transport workers, workers in auto and electric; engineers handling equipment, printers.
Group 4 - workers of heavy physical labor:
Age       Kcal
18-29     3850
30-39     3600
40-59     3400
construction workers, the majority of agricultural workers and machine operators, miners at surface operations; employees of the oil and gas industry, metallurgy and casters, except those belonging to Group 5; workers in the pulp and paper industry and wood processing industries; slingers, riggers, carpenters, workers in industry building materials, except those assigned to Group 5.
Group 5 - workers engaged in particularly severe difficulty:
Age       Kcal
18-29     4200
30-39     3950
40-59     3750

miners employed directly in underground work, steelmakers, fellers wood and working in cutting wood, stone masons, concrete workers, excavators, loaders, whose work is not mechanized; workers employed in the manufacture of building materials, whose work is not mechanized.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Secrets body in good shape

So long ago, Collected Works on this topic supplemented with a few more tips, sponsored by this time was made by an American professor.
Head of the Institute of Family and Consumer University of Illinois James Peinter believes that haunt us the feeling of hunger is more often false than real. To be well fed and not succumb to false, in his opinion, the signals are "insatiable womb, you must perform seven simple rules.
The first in the Code of harmony Peinter raises the need for locations near their places of deployment of visual "reminders." For example, at a table where you sit at your computer, you can place a handful of pistachios skorlupok. If we believe the research professor, such a reminder of how much was eaten, can reduce consumption by almost half.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Good intentions - or a list of the worst diets

The horrors such as anorexia mention there is hardly any sense, because the description of this as well as photos of beauties who have brought themselves into such a state in RuNet a dime a dozen. Many and various methods of weight loss diets from which securely holds the palm. At the same time that this or that diet may be harmful or contraindicated in one way or another people, mostly modestly silent ... As a result, already at the doctor turns out that dull the skin - the result not of low solar activity. So not the most useful diet and myths surrounding them.
Raw meat
Wonderful diet - one mention the fact that the meat should eat in their raw form, the appetite disappears by itself. In recommending a diet based on raw beef, venison and fish, nutritionists point out that the cheese contains enzymes that give strength. Not bad, but the appetite becomes even weaker when the recall of bacteria and other "gifts" found in raw meat. Some of those pretty quickly sent to another world.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Preparing the figure for New Year's party - fat burning workout

The New Year's night should be just for you! For such an elegant occasion require energy-intensive training that will help dry up as soon as possible. If you are ready, begin! Do yourself a workout.
The first exercise
Sit in a lunge. Now a small jump, and in it a leg, which was behind, pull up to the stomach and once again sit in the attack. Make a good pace in 1910 jumps on each leg.