People is increasing every year. For example, in Eastern European countries from 10 to 20% of schoolchildren are overweight. According to experts of the World Health Organization, obese 1 / 5 of world population.
Obesity occurs for different reasons, but most important are the two - too much food and physical inactivity. Fat people tend to love the delicious and abundant food. In the first stages, this habit does not cause them special trouble, but eventually it leads to metabolic disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
"Estimated" - writes in his book "The Big biological clock" Professor Dilman VM, _ that the accumulation in the body 4-5 kg of fat that creates a dangerous shift in metabolism, which is already sufficient for the development of atherosclerosis. Indirect calculations indicate that such a seemingly small weight gain, if the reference point to take 20 years already, usually occurs by 30 years.
" It is therefore very important that the body weight remained throughout life the way he set in 20-25 years. As such, our famous ballerina Galina Ulanova. When she was once asked: "What is your weight?" - She replied: "49 kilos." - "And before, when you dance?" - "The same 49 pounds." And what are the main causes of the completeness of young women? It is often overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. Organism to perform its vital functions (movement, heat generation, renewal of tissues) needs a certain amount of energy. That energy it gets from food. If the energy comes more than the required balance in the body is broken, and people fullness. To maintain your weight at an appropriate level, should be strictly taken into account calorie intake and expenditure. If the body gets more calories than it spends, at least 1%, then the person starts gaining weight. And how often do you think about it, eating a regular pack of ice cream, cake or candy? Obviously not, which is a pity? After all the fullness begins with uncontrolled receiving the most diverse food.
If you have recovered, then get rid of excess weight should read as follows:
Reduce calorie foods so that the power consumption exceeded its arrival. Qualitatively change the composition of food: the need to eat less carbohydrates (sweets), fat, drink less fluid, more - fruits, vegetables and foods rich in vitamins.
Monitor the activities of the intestine.
Increase the energy consumption.
Energy consumption depending on the nature of work is different. For the people of mental labor is characterized by work in a sitting position with a slight physical strain and energy consumption of about 600-700 kcal per day (not counting the energy consumption for basal metabolism, ie the functioning of the body even at rest). But for the normal functioning of the body, as noted by psychologists, a person needs to spend a day around 1000 kcal. All people employed mainly mental (not physical) work, produced a daily energy deficit. Increase the power consumption by using gymnastics, dance, and massage.
To drive away the excess weight in their arsenal of athletic training is necessary to introduce different types of physical activity: walking, running, skiing, cycling, sports games, swimming, and gymnastics. However, in applying these tools need a system.
Sometimes, women complain that they are doing exercise and not lose weight. If you analyze how much time they do, it becomes clear that the weight loss they can not because their irregular and non-intensive classes are designed only to increase appetite. Activities should be carried out at least 3-4 times a week and sufficient, with optimum load.
Diet is a good means of walking: walking to fast, at least 100 steps per minute. Daily rate of walking for obese women - no less than 6-8 km.
More effective energy consumption is walking up the stairs. Almost every citizen has the opportunity several times a day to do it and not use the elevator. However, studies have shown that tangible sgonka weight occurs only when you walk up the stairs for 25-30 minutes or more. An experiment was conducted, which involved 10 students who have excessive weight. They climbed the stairs to the fifth floor of the average pace for 30 minutes. The number of ascents and descents will be 16-18. Their heart rate was within the 140-150 beats per minute. Each of them has reduced his weight by 500-700 g per this drill.
Approximate power consumption when lifting with a frequency of 60-70 steps per minute is 0.14 kcal per 1 kg weight. Thus, a woman weighing 70 kg spends when climbing stairs about 10 calories per minute. Power consumption when running on the stairs a few below. Advisable to start training with 10-15 minutes and bring up to 30-40 minutes.
On a positive effect on the body slowly running already much has been written. It is important to bear in mind that starts jogging better after a consultation with a doctor or a teacher-specialist. Power consumption when running at a speed of 10 km / h increases compared with the state of rest in 62 times. To lose weight, you should use a slow and continuous jogging. Training should begin with a distance of 500-600 meters (frequency 120-130 steps per minute), increasing the distance of 100-200 meters each week. The optimal length of distance for women - 3.2 km. Trainings is held 3-4 times a week. In the winter time instead of running better than skiing. It is interesting and emotional. Distance you can gradually increase to 10-12 km or more.
Complete women must conduct daily physical education classes of at least 45-60 minutes. Engage in exercises with dumbbells, a ball and expanders, and in the morning jogging.
Losing weight is best in summer, especially during the holidays, when no damage is possible to reduce the volume and caloric intake, to abandon cereals and pasta, and replace them with fruits and vegetables. If you stay in a boarding house, do not eat full servings. Remember - you need to lose weight.
During the holidays, set a clear system of self-study to include jogging, walking, general developing exercises, sports games and, of course, swimming. Part of the exercises to do in the water, it is also effective. Weigh yourself often. You will find that your weight should be reduced.
Remember that moderation in the diet - the guarantee of health and beauty.
Some women have formed the view that the fight with the fullness by using smoke. However, studies show that scientists, smoking - inefficient remedy. Not only are addicted to it, you will suffer more, and other diseases. So do not smoke. Be persistent to this is no longer fashionable, and very dangerous hobby.
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