Saturday, February 19, 2011

Preparing the figure for New Year's party - fat burning workout

The New Year's night should be just for you! For such an elegant occasion require energy-intensive training that will help dry up as soon as possible. If you are ready, begin! Do yourself a workout.
The first exercise
Sit in a lunge. Now a small jump, and in it a leg, which was behind, pull up to the stomach and once again sit in the attack. Make a good pace in 1910 jumps on each leg. 
The second exercise
Lie on your side. One hand is that the bottom falls along the body, palm down, the other - over her head. Legs bent - the angle at the knee 90 degrees. Perform lateral twisting - raising body, leaning on his forearm, and raise the legs touch the elbow of the same name the tribe. Need to look straight ahead, but not in the direction of torsion. Go back to the starting position to the end - we lie down on the supporting arm, straightening it.
Third exercise 
Strap on straight arms. Bend your leg and pull it to her chest in the opposite direction, pause for a moment and put back. Try not to raise high the pelvis, forming a mound. Make 8 to 10 repetitions on each side.
Exercise fourth 
Stay in the fence on straight arms. Necessary to consistently meet all the positions:
- Jump feet closer to the hands;
- Jump up and stretched his arms to the ceiling;
- Sit down, put his hands on the floor;
- Otprygnut ago, forming the bar.
Continue all over again. Preferably not less than 10 repetitions. You can alleviate so - do not jump up and just get up.
The fifth exercise
Lying on your back, hands behind head, head, shoulders and legs dangling. Need to sit down, bending your legs and return to the starting position. When you sit and bend your legs, keep holding them suspended, not to put on the floor. Can be simplified as follows: firstly, to keep your hands behind your head, but to help them climb, pulling ahead, and secondly, to put his feet on the floor when laid down, and when we got. Do 16-20 repetitions.
The sixth exercise
Stand up, put his hands behind his head. Next - a deep squat, stand up and do max foot forward in front of him. Alternating feet, make a total of 16-29 times.

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