Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fitness and Diet Tips

After recently discovering Ingram new fitness sensation Kayla It sines, we had so many questions for the 23-year-old personal trainer who has managed to amass more than 700,000 Instamatic followers that we had to talk to her. Today, we did just that, catching up with the Australian beauty over Skype. Below, everything you need to know about her 12-week bikini body plan for women, her fitness and eating secrets, and of course  how to take such cool photos.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Nutrition and diet after appendectomy

After transferring the human body surgery necessary to remove the appendix, for some time, it is important to observe a diet. If the stomach is exposed to salty, fatty or sweet foods too, then begin to gain weight, which will cause stomach problems due to a sharp rebuilding, disruption of normal bowel function and appearance of pain in the abdomen due to the growth of scar. Consider what should be a nutrition and diet after appendectomy.

Proper diet for irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is extremely important that a balanced diet rich in vitamins, nutrients, and in particular, fiber, helps normalize the digestive system, avoiding constipation and stomach disorders, as well as performing the cleaning function. Proper diet for irritable bowel syndrome provides meals small meals every 3-4 hours. Such a diet promotes the maximum relief being. Caloric daily diet should not exceed 2500-2800 kcal.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Carbohydrate diet

Carbohydrates for our figures are, we can assume the first enemies. Precisely because of this building many diets is based on the rejection of a number of products, as part of which they are contained. Carbohydrate-free diet - harm or benefit? Strict compliance glycoprivous diet can be seriously harmful to health as the complete exclusion of carbohydrates the body would have to produce glucose from your muscle tissue. If the diet is ill-conceived, it would be the result of the appearance of weakness, lethargy, dizziness and indigestion.
Features carbohydrate-free diet

Menu fish diet for 3 or 7 days

Fish diet nutritionists usually refers to two categories - to express diets and detox diets for weight loss. For liver function in emergency mode, which cleanses the body, essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, as a rich source which serves fish. At the same time the fish is easily digestible protein product, the use of which contributes to the fact that increasing the amount of muscle tissue and reduces the amount of fat. If you want to cleanse your body of excess fluid, toxins and get rid of the couple of extra pounds, then you will approach fish diet for 3 days. To get rid of more pounds of fish suitable diet for 7 days. Consider menu fish diet for 3 or 7 days.

Fish diet for 3 days

Protein that contains fish and seafood, the body can absorb much better than meat. It is advisable to fish diet for 3 days observe at least once every six months. In its composition, the fish is a unique product, which includes a light protein, fatty acids, trace elements, helps to ensure that the immune system and heart function were getting stronger. To comply with the diet you can use any fish, not too low-fat varieties of fish, such as tuna, sardines, salmon, trout, mackerel and others.

Compliance fish diet is straightforward. In these days we must completely abandon any use of meat and fish is best to replace all the foods that contain protein. Best fish and seafood there with courgettes, herbs, cucumbers, carrots, brussel sprouts and colored, bell peppers, beets and lettuce. From the diet at the time of compliance fish diet should exclude eggplants, tomatoes, radishes, potatoes and mushrooms. As a garnish for fish can be cooked unpolished brown rice.

Uniqueness fish diet for 3 days is that the diet can be prepared in boiled, fried and baked form. To achieve maximum effect, it is better to cook the fish, steamed or baked, adding a small amount of oil.

Menu fish diet for 3 days may be varied and accomplished in several ways. Breakfast is best suited 100-150 g low fat cottage cheese or 1 boiled egg, unsweetened yogurt and green tea with no sugar added. At lunch, you can eat 200 grams of fish and drink 1 glass of water. Half an hour later you can eat polgreypfruta, 2 kiwis or 1 orange. So vitamin charge you will be provided for the day.

Before you begin to dinner, you need to drink 2 cups of water without gas for nutrients and vitamins are better absorbed. After that you need to eat 250 grams of cooked fish or seafood, also suitable bank of canned fish in its own juices. Garnish can be eaten cooked or raw vegetables, containing no starch, for example, beans, spinach, zucchini, cabbage, bell pepper, or lettuce. Vegetables can be flavored with lemon juice or yogurt. After dinner, after 2 hours drink 1 glass of water. At lunch also need to drink one glass of water. On product composition and dinner is no different from lunch only vegetables can be replaced with brown rice, and fish can be baked. Fish dinner diet for 3 days, you can complete the green tea or a glass of yogurt.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Features lemon diet plus

Lemon diet still referred to as desirable because it does not have strict restrictions. When it is desirable to subject not to smoke, eat fatty, etc. With the lemon diet can lose weight without having to change the usual routine of the day, and everyone will be able to withstand it, except not sour lovers, because the period of compliance lemon diet lemonade in your menu will be the most popular drink. Consider the features lemon diet and 3 options.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Effective salt-free diet for weight loss

Salt is an essential ingredient in cooking. At the same time it can be the cause of weight problems: because of excess fluid in the body is delayed and generally slows down your metabolism. This is the pivot point of salt-free diet for weight loss, which does not imply a complete rejection of salt. Effective salt-free diet for weight loss uses restriction of the use of salt. First of all, the purpose of this diet is worth eliminating even the slightest disturbances in fluid and electrolyte balance of the body.