Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Carbohydrate diet

Carbohydrates for our figures are, we can assume the first enemies. Precisely because of this building many diets is based on the rejection of a number of products, as part of which they are contained. Carbohydrate-free diet - harm or benefit? Strict compliance glycoprivous diet can be seriously harmful to health as the complete exclusion of carbohydrates the body would have to produce glucose from your muscle tissue. If the diet is ill-conceived, it would be the result of the appearance of weakness, lethargy, dizziness and indigestion.
Features carbohydrate-free diet

The special features of carbohydrate-free diets include the fact that it involves the exclusion of all carbohydrate diet or use of such products in their number, that during the day they will give no more than 250 calories. Carbohydrates can be consumed in the form of citrus fruits and vegetables. Imposed severe restrictions on dairy products, soft drinks, potato, fat, carrots, corn, alcohol. No restrictions on the use of meat, fish, poultry, cheese, cheese. Food should be consumed in small portions 5-6 times a day.
For roasting provided use of vegetable oil, preferably olive. Salt should be used in the minimum. After eating for 30 minutes is not allowed the use of a liquid. In addition, the feature of carbohydrate-free diet is the lack of food after 8 pm.
The basis of carbohydrate-free diets laid protein food products such as seafood, meat and eggs. Carbohydrates are not contained in fats and vegetable oils, butter, some cheeses, such as Cheddar, Parmesan and Muenster. In much of the vegetables contain carbohydrates in the form of starch or cellulose, but lettuce does not have carbohydrates.
By drinks not containing carbohydrates are water, coffee, black tea, diet drinks with saccharin or aspartame.
Disadvantages glycoprivous diet

The disadvantages include carbohydrate-free diet is that it is designed for long-term compliance. With it is impossible to achieve quick results. This technique should be regular food.
In addition, carbohydrate-free diet is tolerated quite heavily, may develop glycemic if there is a strong decrease in the amount of sugar in the blood. At the same time may cause dizziness, weakness, drowsiness and fainting. Another possible manifestation of diets are constipation associated with reduced intake of dietary fiber.
What can and can not

What can be subject to the carbohydrate-free diet, and what not? Diet should be made up of meat, milk, fish, milk and dairy products, eggs, non-starchy vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, leafy greens, etc.), citrus fruits, sour berries, black bread in an amount not more than 1 slice per day.
During glycoprivous diet can not be no sweets, starchy vegetables, confectionery and pastry, sweet berries and fruit and alcohol.
Employed per day carbohydrates should make up no more than the energy value of 250 kcal. Servings of protein foods are not regulated in magnitude. Fats should be strictly controlled.
Glycoprivous diet menu

Glycoprivous menu diet provides food for breakfast with 2 boiled eggs, 2 slices of lean ham and half a grapefruit. As drinks can be consumed unsweetened tea or coffee. Lunch can be a half grapefruit, dinner - fish, meat or poultry, lettuce, seasoned with lemon juice, and unsweetened tea.
Contraindications to the carbohydrate-free diet

Any of the options glycoprivous diet could be harmed people with chronic vascular disease, kidney, heart and gastrointestinal tract, as well as ischemic heart disease. If there is any of these issues, the menu must be approved by the attending physician. Contraindication to comply glycoprivous diet is the presence of chronic diseases, especially diabetes

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