Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Proper diet for irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is extremely important that a balanced diet rich in vitamins, nutrients, and in particular, fiber, helps normalize the digestive system, avoiding constipation and stomach disorders, as well as performing the cleaning function. Proper diet for irritable bowel syndrome provides meals small meals every 3-4 hours. Such a diet promotes the maximum relief being. Caloric daily diet should not exceed 2500-2800 kcal.

Products included in the diet at a syndrome RK:-

When syndrome RK in the diet must be included products in which a high content of protein and carbohydrates. Recommended exclusion of products that can cause rotting or fermentation in the gut (for example, foods rich in essential oils, cholesterol or other substances). Additionally, the definition of important terms products causing bloating, nausea, and degradation in a particular patient. To do this, doctors recommend keeping "food diary" that records all of the products that are used by the patient to eat. This is important because the body can be an individual response to certain substances.
Diet for IBS with constipation:-

If accompanied by constipation IBS, it is necessary for dieting Pevsner, according to which in the diet should be included:
crispbread with added bran;
rye bread;
cold drinks, carbonated water;
day milk products (acidophilus milk, kefir, sour milk, yogurt), cottage cheese, sour cream;
fish and meat of any kind;
cold soups;
vegetable oil and butter;
hard-boiled eggs;
buckwheat, pearl barley grains;
compotes, honey, jam;
raw fruits and vegetables (pickled cabbage, carrots, apricots, prunes);
sauces and snacks.
For exclusion of strong tea, coffee, cocoa, drinking chocolate, jelly, mucous soups, mashed cereals, pastry. Should limit the intake of hot dishes and prefer warm food.
Diet for IBS with loose stools:-

When IBS with liquid stool diet for exclusion of products that stimulate gut emptying, and the introduction of substances that reduce peristalsis. Necessary to include in the diet:
strong hot coffee, tea, decoction of blueberry, cocoa on the water;
white crackers, butter biscuit not dry;
dairy products (yogurt, sour three days, fresh ricotta in a shabby);
small amounts of butter;
eggs and egg dishes in limited quantities;
oat or rice broth.  
It is desirable to limit meat, salt, sugar and sweeteners. For a negative impact of IBS may have sweeteners (saccharin, cyclamate). It is also necessary exception of spices, spicy and savory spices and dishes of vegetables, fruit, brown bread, milk and fresh dairy products, fatty types of fish and meat dishes and cold drinks, pastry and cakes.
The purpose of this diet is possible for a short time, as long adherence to a strict diet is harmful. This is explained by the fact that a strict diet can lead to vitamin and protein deficiency, cause depletion of the body, strengthen diarrhea.
It should be borne in mind that in diet for IBS liquid stool must be included products in which a high pectin content, because they have the ability of establishing a natural way of bowel function and disposal of stomach disorders.

1 comment:

  1. The most important thing for any person is his/her diet. Proper and sufficient diet help to stay healthy. Parent's should take care of their children' s diet to stay away from children irritable bowel syndrome. Thanks.
