Fish diet nutritionists usually refers to two categories - to express diets and detox diets for weight loss. For liver function in emergency mode, which cleanses the body, essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, as a rich source which serves fish. At the same time the fish is easily digestible protein product, the use of which contributes to the fact that increasing the amount of muscle tissue and reduces the amount of fat. If you want to cleanse your body of excess fluid, toxins and get rid of the couple of extra pounds, then you will approach fish diet for 3 days. To get rid of more pounds of fish suitable diet for 7 days. Consider menu fish diet for 3 or 7 days.
Fish diet for 3 days
Protein that contains fish and seafood, the body can absorb much better than meat. It is advisable to fish diet for 3 days observe at least once every six months. In its composition, the fish is a unique product, which includes a light protein, fatty acids, trace elements, helps to ensure that the immune system and heart function were getting stronger. To comply with the diet you can use any fish, not too low-fat varieties of fish, such as tuna, sardines, salmon, trout, mackerel and others.
Compliance fish diet is straightforward. In these days we must completely abandon any use of meat and fish is best to replace all the foods that contain protein. Best fish and seafood there with courgettes, herbs, cucumbers, carrots, brussel sprouts and colored, bell peppers, beets and lettuce. From the diet at the time of compliance fish diet should exclude eggplants, tomatoes, radishes, potatoes and mushrooms. As a garnish for fish can be cooked unpolished brown rice.
Uniqueness fish diet for 3 days is that the diet can be prepared in boiled, fried and baked form. To achieve maximum effect, it is better to cook the fish, steamed or baked, adding a small amount of oil.
Menu fish diet for 3 days may be varied and accomplished in several ways. Breakfast is best suited 100-150 g low fat cottage cheese or 1 boiled egg, unsweetened yogurt and green tea with no sugar added. At lunch, you can eat 200 grams of fish and drink 1 glass of water. Half an hour later you can eat polgreypfruta, 2 kiwis or 1 orange. So vitamin charge you will be provided for the day.
Before you begin to dinner, you need to drink 2 cups of water without gas for nutrients and vitamins are better absorbed. After that you need to eat 250 grams of cooked fish or seafood, also suitable bank of canned fish in its own juices. Garnish can be eaten cooked or raw vegetables, containing no starch, for example, beans, spinach, zucchini, cabbage, bell pepper, or lettuce. Vegetables can be flavored with lemon juice or yogurt. After dinner, after 2 hours drink 1 glass of water. At lunch also need to drink one glass of water. On product composition and dinner is no different from lunch only vegetables can be replaced with brown rice, and fish can be baked. Fish dinner diet for 3 days, you can complete the green tea or a glass of yogurt.