Monday, March 7, 2011

Fat diet for adult man and women

Problem of nutrition nutritionist Jan Kwasniewski has been doing for over thirty years. During this time he created the system, dubbed "Optimal Nutrition", which offers a nutritionist, not only as a universal diet, but, being a practicing therapist, has been successfully used for the treatment of cardiovascular, renal and other diseases. Even such incurable, such as diabetes. What is the secret of his diet?
First of all, the doctor advises Kwasniewski is only in a calm atmosphere, relaxed and thoroughly chewing food. About the affairs, reading, TV on the lunch time best forgotten. After the meal, should rest for about fifteen minutes, and an active physical activities begin no earlier than two or three hours. Actually, the majority of dietitians fully support Kwasniewski. But here's the list of products that he recommends to eat, many of them hair-raising.
As a result of years of research Kwasniewski came to the conclusion that there need only a food that is easily digested and gives at the same time a lot of energy. In his opinion, such foods are extremely ... animal proteins and fats.
That is the meat and fat. Everything Else Polish nutritionist advises from the diet to exclude or at least to limit, in use. For example, fruits and vegetables. Why would they have said Kwasniewski, if they consist mostly of water? It is much easier to drink a couple glasses of pure water and do not load your stomach extra work. As for vitamins necessary for normal life, they are in sufficient quantities in meat. Especially in the product which we often ignore: the liver, heart, lungs, kidneys ... Typically, nutritionists advise to use more vegetable fats. For example, sunflower or olive oil. Nothing against them, Kwasniewski has not, but felt much more useful for human animal fat, the same fat, for example.
But he categorically reject advice from cellulose contained in the bran, beans, bread ... Fiber is usually recommended for improving the performance of the intestine. Kwasniewski also said it is nonsense and explains: cellulose completely absorbed by the body, so why should it have?
What, then, in his opinion, should I eat? Eggs (5-8 units per day!), Meat, fat, offal and milk (especially useful for the cream and cheese). And it should not simply be bold, and very bold! If milk - something with cream, sour cream, if - it is very thick.
In this case, Dr. Kwasniewski still offers sometimes add to your diet and foods containing a minimum of carbohydrates - potatoes, pasta, flour, vegetables. But little: a day is enough a few potatoes or a slice of bread.
A typical menu for one day for an adult
Breakfast - scrambled eggs at a minimum of three eggs with bacon, a slice of bread (be sure to dip into fat) and unsweetened tea.
Lunch - 150 grams bold chop, fried in egg and breadcrumbs, a few potatoes, mashed in fat from frying, as well as a small pickled cucumber.
According to nutritionist, this is quite enough for the whole day, because food is very satisfying. But if there is a desire and still have dinner, then - on health.
In the diet Kwasniewski there are no specified time for meals, there should be only when he wants. I wanted to tonight? Please! For dinner, two cheesecakes are perfect with butter, a spoonful of marmalade and a cup of unsweetened heavy cream.
Switch to a fatty diet doctor advises Kwasniewski not gradually but immediately. In the near future, he says, you will feel a burst of energy, vitality and optimism. Also improve overall health. But most importantly, what should especially please the languishing of the trendy diets ladies: in a few months of a person's weight returns to normal. Fat lose weight, and the evil fattening. In the future, subject to the diet, the body retains the very normal for your weight.
These are not empty words or hype. The doctor Kwasniewski in Poland more than two million followers, practicing for many years its power system and feel great. Many of them have banded together in clubs, where gather and discuss new recipes "fatty" foods.

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