Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How to remove the breeches

Many women are problematic for breeches. It is noticed that even during heavy weight dropping body fat in this area remain almost unchanged. Therefore, in recent years, more and more women with such problems offer to liposuction. But really, in this case nothing but the operation can not be helped? Of course, surgical treatment is an alternative. Primarily, this exercise, which traditionally is better combined with a balanced diet, is eliminating from the menu animal fats and digestible carbohydrates (sugar, cakes).
Another way - a massage and self-massage of problem areas, with proper conduct of which the fat is certainly diminished. But physical exercise, and massage - is time-consuming ways, so for the impatient invented a quick way to get rid of fat as liposuction.

Exercise to remove excess fat from the zone of breeches
There are many such exercises, here are some of them (better if during the exercise on your feet will be wearing wool tights - increased perspiration increase the effects of exercise, as wool will absorb excess moisture):
to lie on its side along the solid edge of the bed, the upper leg to hang down, but keep it to that right; lift straight leg up and then deleted; start with 10 strides of each leg, gradually over several days to bring them to 30, with the correct load for the next Day muscles will be slightly hurt;
sit on the floor, stretch and dilute feet, socks pulled, shoulders thrown back, his hands rest against the floor and slightly bend them in the elbow, pull your knees to your shoulders so that the leg from knee to foot stretched out in a line perpendicular to the floor, then draw Divorced leg from hip to foot in a single line parallel to the floor, lightly touch the floor with heel, starting with 3-4 exercises and gradually increase to 8-10;
become, to place his feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward, lower the head and slowly squat, trying to stretch the back muscles (the back is nearly horizontal), hips and there should be parallel to each other, stomach in, and slowly rise, starting from 4 -s exercise and gradually get to 8-10;
sit on the floor, lean your hands on the floor behind, divorce straight leg, then rotate the foot turns inward and outward, starting with 5-6 exercises, to reach 10-12;
sit on the floor, lean your hands on the floor behind, bend your knees and dissolve them in hand, alternately raise your knees slowly to the side to the limit, then slowly as they connect, start with 5-6 exercises to get to 10-12.
Massage of the breeches
Massage of the breeches by experienced masseur, quite an effective tool. This massage increases blood flow to problem areas, improving the outflow of venous blood and lymph, which helps speed up the metabolic processes in this area. Massage some thigh muscles increase their tone and reduce fat deposits in these muscles.
But massage can be done independently, this massage is called self-massage, the lack of it is that it is very difficult to relax the muscles, if himself are performing massage movements. Nonetheless, the effect of such procedures would be, especially if you combine them with gymnastic exercises. When self-massage uses the same techniques as in the classical massage. Begins and ends with self-massage stroking session, followed by kneading tissues and vibration (shaking tissues).
Massage can be done with glass jars of medical, pre-lubricated body massage oil and moving it to the bank on the body surface.
During a massage in the bath after pre-heating of the body for 10-15 minutes, using the same techniques as in conventional self-massage. Can be used to massage the washcloth, rubbing the fabric to the problematic area, and then hold them tingle and then grinding. Water self-massage will be even better if you add the bath teas or infusions of herbs that enhance the metabolic processes (eg, infusion of peppermint or pine essential oil). Any kind of self-massage is not worth spending more than 10 minutes.
Contraindication for massage and self-massage are all acute illnesses (colds, infections), severe malnutrition, any pustular skin lesions, severe chronic disease, long umbilical, inguinal and scrotal hernia.
Liposuction as a way of getting rid of excess fat in the area of breeches
Liposuction - is the removal of adipose tissue using special surgical techniques. Most often, liposuction is carried out by vacuum, ultrasonic and laser techniques, in which fat is broken, and then removed through a special tube. If, however, for the correction to remove fatty deposits only in the area of breeches (and there are usually a bit), then use an ordinary syringe.
Liposuction is an effective way of correction, as the results of treatment are generally constant: the fat in this area will no longer accrue.
Correction of the body in the area of breeches requires a long and hard impact. And only when the exercise and massage can help, is to resort to surgery.

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