Female think that in order to become successful with any weight loss or exercise program, they must first be inspired to do so. Inspiration is a powerful tool that gives women the courage to make changes in their lives. But to find inspiration is not always easy.
Inspiration, it was said, is a divine influence directly has on the mind and soul. As soon as a woman inspired to do something, it becomes the effect that way to get some things done, as in the case of physical exercise. Once a woman becomes inspired to stick exercise program, it usually follows through with it.
Of course, along with inspiration, it takes commitment and dedication. Three of these add up to a successful exercise and fitness programs for women and men. But it all starts with a search for inspiration.
We all know about the necessity of regular exercise, but in practice too often on the first set quite different tasks. However, physical activity - one of the conditions for successful weight reduction and consolidation of results achieved. It is not necessary to exhaust themselves, find the kind of lessons that you will be pleasant and not get bored any time soon. Dancing, jogging, training on the simulator to the music - choose what is to their liking. If free time is not too much, align business with helpful: walk with your child, be engaged in housekeeping, shopping. Importantly, fewer to sit on. To lose weight, specific power load is not required. On the contrary, physical activity should be moderate, but regular. Better than 5 times a week for half an hour than occasionally, but the whole day. If, however, absolutely no free time, take a few times a day for 10-15 minutes. Select the appropriate set of exercises or simply dance to the music.
Do not need to give up goodies to keep healthy. It is important to properly combine foods. Thus you get a lot of vital and nutrients, and fat and calories - to a minimum.
From vegetables, fruits and cereals body receives carbohydrates it needs for energy production. Formed with the glucose significantly improves blood sugar levels. More important to remember that sugar, wheat flour and fat to eat in moderation. Sometimes, of course, can afford to eat a slice of cake or pizza. But if the sweets, food made from wheat flour, semi-finished and fat convenience foods (fast food) are the basis of nutrition, the risk of diabetes multiplied.
Need to follow the diet. The diet should be minerals, vitamins E and C (vitamin E found in vegetable oils and eggs, and vitamin C in fish and sea kale). Vitamin E affects the blood supply to the skin, vitamin C strengthens the fibers in the connective tissues. In addition, you should include in the diet of vegetables, herbs and bread and bran.
Proper nutrition will provide your body with necessary substances. Proper nutrition - it is a good physical shape. This absence of disease and weight management. To do this, throw out their lives harmful products and replace them with natural, while respecting the right proportions.
Give up coffee, alcohol, tea, silnosolenyh products, from products containing preservatives, dyes, etc., your diet should consist of 3 / 5 of carbohydrates per 1 / 5 of the proteins and 1 / 5 of the fat.
These diets are appointed for hypertension. However, the diet of these diets is incomplete in its chemical composition, so they prescribe from time to time for 3-5 days. Rice-diet.
It is used for hypertension, cardiovascular and renal disease. Meals consist of rice porridge, cooked in water and without salt (it eat 2 times a day) and 6 cups of compote, who drink during the day.
Calculation of food for the day: 50 grams of rice, 100 grams of sugar, 1.5 kg of fresh (or 240 grams of dried) fruit. Liquid to 1.5 liters. Caloric value - 1220 kcal.
Diet can dramatically limit your intake of protein and salts of sodium . Since it is defective in its chemical composition, it is assigned is not a long time - for 3-4 days. Cottage Cheese - milk diet
Appointed in hypertension and circulatory failure, has a diuretic effect.
Diet diet consists of 400 grams of cottage cheese and 4 cups of milk and eaten for 5-6 receptions (milk is drunk warm). Diet is also defective in its chemical composition, prescribe from time to time for 3-5 days. Can be used for those who want to lose excess weight .
Collect for you all the available short-term diet, offering food in a specific pattern. Only here you will find over 300 fast diets for every taste and wallet! Do not get lost in their diversity, and remember - stick to such diets should not be too long. They come in cases where after the holidays, you scored a few extra pounds. Restricted diet express diet does not allow a full balanced meal.
Among the diets are presented and possible fasting days, and mono-diet or a diet close to them. Feature of the mono-diet is that they are based on one product or product group (eg, vegetables). Most often, this is a very strict diet, which can not abide more than a few days. Among the most popular days of unloading can be distinguished Kefir, apple, watermelon and the buckwheat. All strict diet designed for healthy people. Those who have observed any chronic illness, before applying them to consult a doctor.
1. The diet was developed in accordance with the recommendations of the diet (treatment table) 8a, developed at the Institute of Nutrition for people with excess weight.
2. We opted, above all, delicious recipes to lose weight can be free from hunger and falls. Better, slowly but surely! Menu each day, includes not only the hot main meal, but soup, salad, dessert. At the same recipes are simple and do not require you to special culinary talents.
3. You can independently set meal times, but between them must be a period of not less than 2-3 hours. The last main meal 3-4 hours before bedtime. Snack on request - an hour before bedtime.
The desire to reduce weight while maintaining health, progress and good humor. Every day we come to questions, which essentially is the same - to find out what should be the ideal diet for weight loss.
So, in terms of nutrition ideal diet should:
1. be balanced. Dieting for weight loss should include: vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats and dairy products, vegetable oils in small quantities. In this case, nutrition must be part and a fraction, 4-6 times a day (3 main meals and 1-3 snacks).
2. Consist only of natural products.
3. Be varied and tasty. Otherwise difficult to avoid disruptions - Statistics in 86% of short-term diet end premature breakdown or otedaniem "missed calories after the diet.
This diet is suitable, if the holidays have left a memory of himself in a few extra pounds. Grow thin and do not overeat!
Let's start. At breakfast, if you can call it that, divorce tablespoon of honey 150 ml water and add 5-7 drops of lemon juice. Minutes, 10-15 minutes to drink a cup of tea or coffee.
For dinner, treat yourself cooked turkey and any vegetables (500 grams).
Dinner will be runny. Boil 150-200 grams of white cabbage in 150 ml of water without salt for 15-20 minutes. Ready to drink a decoction for 30-40 minutes. Hungry? Endure. A decoction of cabbage, as well as her juice, used in the treatment of obesity. However, the calories in this "dinner" there is little, so you need to hard.
If you really want, before going to bed you can drink a glass of nonfat yogurt.
This diet is not recommended to apply for longer than 3 days. If necessary, after 2 days can be repeated.
Lose weight at some time through diet is possible, but maintain a reduced weight for years - a task almost impossible. Experience shows that a year or two people back to their former weight and often gain even more than him. As the saying goes, those extra pounds not only the return, but also friends with a lead. Nevertheless, the real opportunity to lose weight permanently there. How to achieve the same result?
This is the only one currently in existence way to solve the problem of excess weight once and for all - on obesity surgery or barbaric surgery. Most people will certainly have heard that in the world, such operations are done. Many saw the television broadcasts, for example, via MTV, where very often talk about operations for weight reduction and the obtained results.
Nevertheless, many people are overweight, who have heard and know about the surgical treatment of obesity, never thought it could for them to have a direct relationship. This thought never occurred to him in the head.
The most effective way to lose weight, but do not ignore the other equally important means of reducing weight. Numerous studies confirm that short-term diet, while effective, allows virtually no hope for the conservation of weight loss. Without sports and other activities to keep harmony is impossible!
Dreaming of a carved figure and slim waist, many forget that diet and weight loss entail some unpleasant consequences. Skin droops, it becomes flabby, stretched. Various hardware techniques will help with the correction , getting rid of cellulite and other skin problems. Anti-cellulite creams and creams for weight loss will have a further impact, and hot and cold packs are a recognized way of correction.
Anti-cellulite underwear (anti-cellulite shorts, pants, belt-sauna) helps increase metabolism, accelerating fat burning "pending in reserve, in conjunction with sports and physical activity accelerates weight loss. It is indispensable in the initial stages of cellulite.
Lose weight, you should at least in general terms to provide a biological mechanism for weight gain. In this sense, the main hormone for you - insulin. Postprandial blood dangerously and thickens. The pancreas secretes insulin, and it "cleans" the blood of sugar. Part of the excess insulin "import" into the muscle cells, and the rest turns into fat. If you do not exercise, you need to muscle in "sweet" fuels is minimal. This means that almost all the excess blood sugar will be converted into fat and postponed under the skin. It's important to remember the following. The more you eat, the more insulin will stand out. Well, the more insulin spike, the fatter postponed. Overeating occurs when a person eats seldom, after 4 - 5 hours. This implies an important conclusion: to reduce the secretion of insulin to eat little and often.
The bitter truth is that our way of life that we simply must be thick. We move too little are the results in the form of fat folds. It would seem to lose weight easily. Stopped eating, and all the works! Well, where is to take energy for workouts? Deficiency of dietary calories automatically mean lack of energy, and hence a low, almost zero, the effectiveness of the training.
No, fitness requires an entirely different: "recovery" of everyday food. No starvation! All you need is to make in your diet are small, but fundamental changes. A couple with training, they fundamentally alter your body.
The head thing is that everything we eat, either because it's time to eat, or submitting an intuitive push. And in fact, and in another case, eating occurs unconsciously. We offer a fork to his mouth while chatting with a friend, or unfold candy, thinking about something else, an outsider. What's so surprising overeating? The secret of success of women who managed to lose weight, is this: they have mastered what is called "conscious eating". That's the main rule: Listen first, then eat. The idea is to focus entirely on the taste of food, its smell and even color, and listen to your stomach. Try it and you are surprised to feel how the stomach to talk to you, giving you only audible signals: here I would probably eat another slice, but this I do not want ... to communicate with his stomach, as a living companion. Got candy? Directly and ask: if you want? And listen to the answer. Practice this way for weeks, and you fundamentally change your character of his power. It turns out that most of the "bite" your stomach does not need, well at the table you will eat at least a third less.
Easy and very useful diet used for weight loss in 2-3 weeks.
You probably think that the milk diet - it's just a tribute to time? No way! She never goes out of fashion.
Scientists argue that regardless of whether you stick to a diet or not, you will be pleased with the changes in the volume of your waist, which will occur if you are just going "lean" on dairy products.
All the fault of calcium. It was he who regulates fat metabolism and prevents the accumulation of fat by fat cells. When calcium is not enough, fat cells are stocking fat, they get bigger and thicker, and why the person gets bigger and thicker.
The most popular diet among the stars of Hollywood - a combined multivariate diet. Flexible low-carb diet is based on a smooth decrease in the daily diet of carbohydrates, especially starchy (potatoes, bread, cereals), as well as sugar, which causes the body to "burn" the accumulated excess fat. The specially selected combination of products stabilize insulin levels and stimulate metabolism.
The duration of the diet - 7 days.
Diet to burn fat particularly efficient to reveal itself, if you observe certain rules:
The human skeleton is hard, it's alive, all the bones are constantly in one degree or another change in response to stress and other factors. Hence, the bones have daily "feed." Seafood contains relatively little fat and high in protein. Fish is an excellent alternative to lean meat. Enhance immunity, even canned food - tuna and salmon (with bones) in their own juice. In addition, fatty fish is rich in all the known omega-3 fatty acids that protect our heart from a heart attack. It was then that fish diet and iridescent! Kill several riders: lose weight, struggling with osteoporosis, strengthens the heart and immune system. The duration of the diet - 10 days. Every day after you wake up, you should drink a large glass of water.
We believed the truth a few years ago, scientists now have an opinion may change radically. In addition, every now and then identifies all the new factors affecting the weight and the ability to lose weight. Now many scientists are looking for new ways to the relationship of weight to genetics, pregnancy and various chemical processes in our body.
1. This is indeed genetics. When scientists first discovered the gene responsible for predisposition to obesity and diabetes type 2, and they called it - "obesity gene» (FTO). People who inherit this gene are usually overweight. People who inherit a double copy of this gene from both parents, the likelihood of developing diabetes is 40%, and the likelihood of obesity - 60%. Approximately 16% of the population possesses a dual set of an obesity gene, and half of us have a single gene.
But now scientists believe that genes affecting the weight, much more - over 100. They have less influence on weight than the main obesity gene FTO, but, nevertheless, add something here and there once kilogram.
This diet is designed for 7 days. Tasty, satisfying and solid - it is like still life paintings by Dutch masters of painting. But with all of satiety - effect of the diet is. Monday
Breakfast: 200 g yoghurt, crackers with smoked meat, 2 cups of green tea.
11 am: 2 cups of coffee, a slice of cake for breakfast (cake), one fruit.
Dinner: 2 sandwiches with a slice of grilled ham, eggs from one egg, salad, a glass of skim milk.
16 hours: 2 cups of tea, a cup of broth.
Dinner: 150 grams of fish, fried without fat (on a lattice), asparagus, 2 tablespoons of mashed potatoes, fruit.
Dessert: 100 grams of yogurt, 2 tablespoons of fruit cocktail, 2 cups of coffee.
Thanks to the dairy products that you will use on this diet, you parted again (without regret) with overweight. Some advice: skim and skim milk is much more effective for weight loss than the whole. If the milk does not appeal to you, got a replacement. For example, cheese with low fat content.
Alas, have to forget about the sour cream, fat cottage cheese and ice cream. Though they belong to "milk the family, but is a poor source of calcium, but a good supplier of oil.
To obtain significant results requires a fair amount of dairy products. The effect is achieved with four glasses of milk or yogurt, and 50-100 g low-fat cheese. That's how much it is necessary that fat deposits around the waist began to decrease. Breakfast: 250 grams of cooked oatmeal, cooked in milk, a cup of unsweetened yogurt, a glass of orange juice. 2-nd breakfast: 50 g low-fat Russian hard cheese with fruit or drink a glass of unsweetened yogurt, or chocolate milk. Dinner: 200 g boiled chicken fillet with 50 g of grated cheese or toast with low-fat cheese, fresh vegetables, drink a glass of unsweetened yogurt. Dinner: a toast bran bread with beans, rice and tomatoes, sprinkled with grated low-fat cheese, or cabbage pie dough, mixed with the skim milk.
Within 13 days of compliance with this diet you will lose 8.7 kilos of excess weight, because the diet is rebuilding on a different rhythm of the body's metabolism.
The authors of this diet program guarantee a long-lasting result, at least a 3-year period.
OPTION 1: 14 days
1 day
Breakfast: Black coffee.
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, salad from fresh cabbage with vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice or 1 fresh tomato.
Dinner: fried or boiled fish, salad from fresh cabbage with vegetable oil.
Problem of nutrition nutritionist Jan Kwasniewski has been doing for over thirty years. During this time he created the system, dubbed "Optimal Nutrition", which offers a nutritionist, not only as a universal diet, but, being a practicing therapist, has been successfully used for the treatment of cardiovascular, renal and other diseases. Even such incurable, such as diabetes. What is the secret of his diet?
First of all, the doctor advises Kwasniewski is only in a calm atmosphere, relaxed and thoroughly chewing food. About the affairs, reading, TV on the lunch time best forgotten. After the meal, should rest for about fifteen minutes, and an active physical activities begin no earlier than two or three hours. Actually, the majority of dietitians fully support Kwasniewski. But here's the list of products that he recommends to eat, many of them hair-raising.
As a result of years of research Kwasniewski came to the conclusion that there need only a food that is easily digested and gives at the same time a lot of energy. In his opinion, such foods are extremely ... animal proteins and fats.
Body Factory, the chain of sporting facilities, launched an original event to publicize its innovative services with the latest trends in fitness and wellness activities, as well as hydrotherapy and spa facilities.A combination of physical exertion and physical relaxation that make gyms, an attractive option to get in shape.The event Body Factory was to prepare a class of Resistance Training Extreme special at its facilities in Pozuelo de Alarcon. It was attended five bloggers to whom he had designed a custom log. The editors were able to experience the sensations offered by this innovative sport that uses body weight and its suspension as basic tools of the year. This is possible thanks to a metal structure originally created for military training. However, the Body Factory facilities are designed to practice. Sport merges with the health and aesthetics that, after exertion, bloggers enjoyed a tour of the spa and hot tub areas of the center. In this extremely original, Body Factory has become known in the blogosphere chain of gyms.
Pineapple contains enzymes that are struggling with intense accumulation of fat and improve the work of the stomach.
You need to bring two kilograms of pineapples and a liter of pineapple juice with no sugar. Pineapple cut into slices and divide into four portions - breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner. During the day, drink a liter of pineapple juice. Nothing else to eat or drink. Arrange themselves two unloading days per week.
If this diet sounds too hungry, you eat during the day still 100 grams. low-fat cottage cheese, 100 gr. poultry or lean meat, a little bit of rye bread. During the two days lost two kilograms, without prejudice to health.
This diet is appropriate when it is necessary urgently to lose a few kilograms. For 4 days - 2.5-3 kg.
During the day, drink two cups of black coffee with some sugar substitute two cups of tea (without lemon!), Plenty of low-fat cottage cheese, plenty of fresh cucumbers, green peppers. Drink mineral water without restriction.
Nowadays there are many techniques that allow to lose weight and get the desired shape. But if the majority of them involves serious physical strain and exhausting exercise, such as aqua fitness helps to combine business with pleasure - nothing relaxes like water, all muscles of the body get a good load, which is practically not felt. Water aerobics is aerobics in the pool and can be used by representatives of all age groups.
Advantages of aqua
Water aerobics is a universal kind of fitness and is shown not only physically healthy people, but also elderly people, those who have problems with the spine or joints, pregnant women, people with excess weight. Classes in water eliminates most stress on joints, even during intensive workouts. Water aerobics helps relieve muscle tension, relieving the spine and is the prevention of various diseases. Positively affect employment in water and on the condition of the nervous system, enhancing it and removing stress.
Also merit aqua is its beneficial impact on blood vessels, especially in the presence of such diseases as varicose veins. During the water aerobics classes activates blood circulation and the outflow of venous blood, which allows patients to unload vessels and improve the cardiovascular system as a whole.
Many women are problematic for breeches. It is noticed that even during heavy weight dropping body fat in this area remain almost unchanged. Therefore, in recent years, more and more women with such problems offer to liposuction. But really, in this case nothing but the operation can not be helped? Of course, surgical treatment is an alternative. Primarily, this exercise, which traditionally is better combined with a balanced diet, is eliminating from the menu animal fats and digestible carbohydrates (sugar, cakes).
Another way - a massage and self-massage of problem areas, with proper conduct of which the fat is certainly diminished. But physical exercise, and massage - is time-consuming ways, so for the impatient invented a quick way to get rid of fat as liposuction.
Change their shape dream not only full of people. Even those who do not have extra pounds, sometimes looking in the mirror does not have much joy. It seems that all is not perfect as we would like, and for all slenderness no flexibility and firmer, which makes the relief of the body is really beautiful. To get a really nice shape, some little diet, we need regular exercise, which will help get rid of excess body fat, not store them in the future, to keep muscles in tone, and body to give a nice neat appearance. Can I lose weight without dieting?
Of course you can, just please do not forget to exercise, do exercises, do fitness, aerobics - all that will cause our metabolism to work at an accelerated rate, and hence will gradually remove the extra centimeters.
Before embarking on an intense strain on the muscles, they should first warm up, stretch, and start the metabolism.
To warm up, need to allocate 10-15 minutes. This time can be given dance movements to music, jumping on the spot with mahami arms and legs, running on the spot. Workout mobilizes the body, prepares it for subsequent active load, the metabolism begins to accelerate, the heart gradually gets used to the load.
Little effort he can to lose weight. But all is not as easy to run a really effective and did not cause harm, you must adhere to certain rules. These rules have long been known and tested life: the number of calories entering the body must be less than energy expenditure. But how can this be achieved? Only a combination of proper nutrition and incremental physical activity.
Balanced diet does not mean any special diets, simply follow certain principles: eliminate from the diet of easily digestible carbohydrates (sweet and rich foods) and fatty meat, limit the amount of fried foods (better stew or steamed). Every day eat five kinds of vegetables and fruits, with the amount of vegetables should not be less than 400 grams, required daily (preferably morning) to include in the diet of cooked whole grains - for energy.
As a combination of diet and fitness can help you successfully lose weight and keep the hard-acquired forms? We go on about the benefits of fitness and that fitness - an integral part of any weight loss program. Some fites can not stand. Other-love and live without it can not. However, it must be said in all fairness - an active lifestyle has many advantages. The main thing - to find such a regime and exercise program, which harmoniously fit into your schedule. In the end, in a day 1440 minutes - really hard to find all for sports?
Facts about fitness
Losing weight - metabolic process. Energy balance equation to determine the number of calories consumed food and compares it with the number of calories expended. For effective weight loss is necessary that the number of calories expended exceed calories. One way to achieve this superiority - are actively engaged in fitness, ie burn calories. Every time you lift a finger or press a key, your computer, you are wasting calories. The larger and more active you are moving, the more calories will lose.
-->Women with body type, the longitudinal dimensions prevail over the cross: limbs are long, thin bone, the neck is long, thin, relatively poorly developed muscles. Representatives of this body type usually have low weight, they are energetic, and even excessive power is not immediately lead to weight gain because they spend energy faster than accumulate.
Build differs proportionality basic body dimensions and the correct ratio. Women of this body type are more likely to have a beautiful figure.
Do representatives (boned) body transverse dimensions of the body is much larger than especially aesthetics. Their bones are thick and heavy, shoulders, chest and hips are wide, and his legs are short. Women with this body type, it is important to remember that they are inclined to corpulence.
People is increasing every year. For example, in Eastern European countries from 10 to 20% of schoolchildren are overweight. According to experts of the World Health Organization, obese 1 / 5 of world population.
Obesity occurs for different reasons, but most important are the two - too much food and physical inactivity. Fat people tend to love the delicious and abundant food. In the first stages, this habit does not cause them special trouble, but eventually it leads to metabolic disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
"Estimated" - writes in his book "The Big biological clock" Professor Dilman VM, _ that the accumulation in the body 4-5 kg of fat that creates a dangerous shift in metabolism, which is already sufficient for the development of atherosclerosis. Indirect calculations indicate that such a seemingly small weight gain, if the reference point to take 20 years already, usually occurs by 30 years.
Calories - is the amount of heat released by a person as a result of absorption of a particular product. The number of calories needed to man depends on the work performed, from physical activity, sex, age, on the latitude (cold or hot climates).
Group 1 - employees mostly mental work:
Age Kcal
18-29 2450
30-39 2300
40-59 2100
managers of enterprises and organizations, engineering and technical workers, whose work does not require significant physical activity, medical professionals, except physicians, surgeons, nurses, nurses, teachers, tutors, other than sports, workers of science, literature, press, cultural and educational workers, workers planning and accounting, secretaries and clerks, workers of different categories, whose work is associated with considerable nervous tension (workers remotes, controllers, etc.).
Group 2 - workers engaged in light physical work:
Age Kcal
18-29 2800
30-39 2650
40-59 2500
engineering and technical workers, whose work is associated with some physical effort, workers employed in automated processes; workers electronics industry; clothing makers intend, agronomists, livestock specialists, veterinarians, nurses, nurse, sales of manufactured goods, service workers, employees of the watch industry, workers Communication and Telegraph, instructors and teachers of physical education and sports coaches.
Group 3 - the workers average severity of labor:
Age Kcal
18-29 3300
30-39 3150
40-59 2950
machine operators (employed in metal and wood), mechanics, engineers, wizards, doctors, surgeons, chemists, textile workers, shoemakers, drivers of different types of transport, food industry workers, employees of public utilities and catering, food vendors, tractor brigade and field-teams, railroad, water transport workers, workers in auto and electric; engineers handling equipment, printers.
Group 4 - workers of heavy physical labor:
Age Kcal
18-29 3850
30-39 3600
40-59 3400
construction workers, the majority of agricultural workers and machine operators, miners at surface operations; employees of the oil and gas industry, metallurgy and casters, except those belonging to Group 5; workers in the pulp and paper industry and wood processing industries; slingers, riggers, carpenters, workers in industry building materials, except those assigned to Group 5.
Group 5 - workers engaged in particularly severe difficulty:
Age Kcal
18-29 4200
30-39 3950
40-59 3750
miners employed directly in underground work, steelmakers, fellers wood and working in cutting wood, stone masons, concrete workers, excavators, loaders, whose work is not mechanized; workers employed in the manufacture of building materials, whose work is not mechanized.
So long ago, Collected Works on this topic supplemented with a few more tips, sponsored by this time was made by an American professor.
Head of the Institute of Family and Consumer University of Illinois James Peinter believes that haunt us the feeling of hunger is more often false than real. To be well fed and not succumb to false, in his opinion, the signals are "insatiable womb, you must perform seven simple rules.
The first in the Code of harmony Peinter raises the need for locations near their places of deployment of visual "reminders." For example, at a table where you sit at your computer, you can place a handful of pistachios skorlupok. If we believe the research professor, such a reminder of how much was eaten, can reduce consumption by almost half.
The horrors such as anorexia mention there is hardly any sense, because the description of this as well as photos of beauties who have brought themselves into such a state in RuNet a dime a dozen. Many and various methods of weight loss diets from which securely holds the palm. At the same time that this or that diet may be harmful or contraindicated in one way or another people, mostly modestly silent ... As a result, already at the doctor turns out that dull the skin - the result not of low solar activity. So not the most useful diet and myths surrounding them.
Raw meat
Wonderful diet - one mention the fact that the meat should eat in their raw form, the appetite disappears by itself. In recommending a diet based on raw beef, venison and fish, nutritionists point out that the cheese contains enzymes that give strength. Not bad, but the appetite becomes even weaker when the recall of bacteria and other "gifts" found in raw meat. Some of those pretty quickly sent to another world.
The New Year's night should be just for you! For such an elegant occasion require energy-intensive training that will help dry up as soon as possible. If you are ready, begin! Do yourself a workout. The first exercise
Sit in a lunge. Now a small jump, and in it a leg, which was behind, pull up to the stomach and once again sit in the attack. Make a good pace in 1910 jumps on each leg.